Yes. You can set up a recurring purchasing plan to use cleared bank wire funds to purchase Bitcoin. Know, however, that you can only have one recurring purchase plan at a time. You cannot set up multiple recurring purchase plans, one from cleared wires and one from your ACH funds.
The 0.99% fee is taken out upon deposit for your bank wire. After that, your cleared funds can be put towards your recurring purchase plan.
Here are the steps you need to take to set this up:
1.) Make sure your bank wire or push ACH is fully clear and is on your Swan dashboard under, "My Deposits" and "Total Available for Conversion". You should see a USD amount listed there.
2.) Then select Savings Plan from your Dashboard and select your amounts
3.) Then in the following screen, when you choose how to fund your account, select "Cleared Balance"
4.) Save and confirm your new plan!
Finally, please note that your Savings Plan will pause should your cleared balance run out of funds. To avoid this issue, we recommend that US Customers set up a Savings Plan using a connected bank account.