If you have a question about your account, please search our FAQ for the answer. If you still need help, we're happy to answer questions, please submit a ticket here.
- Beware of impersonators. If in doubt about any communications you may receive, contact us directly at support@swanbitcoin.com.
- Swan will never call you ask you for your 2FA code or seed words.
- You can freeze your account directly in your Swan dashboard from the Profile page.
Phone Support:
Swan will not phone you unless previously discussed by email. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from Swan, please end the call, and verify by reaching out to us via support@swanbitcoin.com.
Social media:
If you’d like to learn more about how you can hold Bitcoin in your retirement portfolio, book a call with one of our Swan IRA specialists today.
To learn more about Swan and what we do, please read this FAQ.