When you wire funds into your Swan account, they will settle as US dollars. The 0.99% fee will be taken out upon trade. You will receive an automated email informing you that the funds have been settled. You can then choose when and how much to deploy at any given time using the buy now button and making sure your USD balance (Swan Balance) is selected. You can deploy your wired funds all at once or in tranches (maximum $250,000 per tranche).
If you wish to automatically convert your wired funds into Bitcoin you can use our auto convert feature, as shown below. Here is a link to that feature on your personal account.
If you are placing a buy for more than $250,000 please contact us at swanbitcoin.com/support so that we can execute this buy for you.
Note: If you have an active recurring purchase plan, then some of your funds could automatically purchase Bitcoin because of your recurring purchase plan. For instance, if you have a $50/week plan and you wire in $10,000, you could end up automatically buying $50 of Bitcoin immediately.